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Dr. David Landsborough IV, M.D. M.R. C.P. (1914 /12/14/-- 2010/03/02 )





仔細回想,其實我大學時代就見過蘭醫師了;那時是在台北和平長老教會,蘭醫師為蔡茂堂醫師的婚禮說賀詞,一口流利的臺語令人印象非常深刻。當年我也曾聽呂春長牧師講過"切膚之愛"的故事; 只是當時並未想到,日後自己會到彰基工作。

我唯一和蘭醫師有深入交談聚會的一次,竟然是在旅居加拿大時。當時是1998 or 1999,蘭醫師到溫哥華來,拜訪兒時同伴(馬偕的孫子, UBC地理教授)。我們家受到美玲姐的邀請,到西溫曾醫師家和蘭醫師聚會晚餐;不記得當晚聊天談了什麼,依稀記得我拉小提琴、凱莉彈琴,大家唱詩歌,度過一個非常溫馨的夜晚。








Part II 關於蘭大弼醫師 紅心紅心


 蘭大弼1914 年出生在彰化,取得英國倫敦大學醫學博士後,受到父母親在台灣行醫




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~~ 2010/02/28元宵節快樂!!開懷大笑
  錢 元宵節週的發財夢~~

新聞報導, 據說大樂透上看五億 ----

週三學生们 (interns+ R) 集資九百元去買樂透.


老李:頭殼壞掉啦?intern 還是要當完,執照還是要考完,再去玩!

(學生一定在心裡嘀咕,老師真是老古板阿,呵呵~~ 吐舌頭)
老李:你以為永遠不必工作上班很好?其實很無趣. 中了一億,




結果,週四(Feb-25)中了四百元 嚎啕大哭
但那兩天的發財夢,倒是為診間添加不少樂趣 ~~太陽

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***Scientists Discover Potential Method of Preventing Periodontal Disease 預防牙周病新發現

Researchers at the University of Louisville, Ken, have discovered how P. gingivalis, a bacteria responsible for periodontal disease, sabotages the immune system and promotes inflammation for its own survival.
George Hajishengallis and his team published their findings in the February 16 (2010) issue of the journal Science Signaling. The discovery could have implications for treating periodontal disease.
P. gingivalis also is believed to play a role in heart disease, stroke,
and other major systemic health problems.

The researchers learned how
P. gingivalis hijacks a complement protein, C5,
 for communication with Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Typically, TLRs notify a white blood cell of a bacteria's presence and then stimulate the cell to kill the pathogen. In its active form, C5 also recruits white blood cells that destroy bacteria.

P.gingivalis attacks the C5 molecule and selectively generates C5a for manipulation of white blood cells through an undermining communication mechanism between the C5a receptor and TLR2. This impairs the ability of the cells to kill this oral pathogen.

P. gingivalis is very sophisticated, in that it activates aspects of white blood cell function that will help it and inhibits aspects that hurt it,” Hajishengallis said. “This is the first report of a pathogen capable of proactively instigating and exploiting communication signaling between complement and Toll-like receptors, rather than undermining either system independently. It’s like infiltrating between your enemy's lines.”

Lab experiments confirmed that blocking the C5a receptor inhibits both inflammation and the persistence of P. gingivalis. Hajishengallis and his team hope this mechanism will translate to humans as a way to prevent periodontal and potentially other systemic diseases.眨眼睛



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研究指出口腔內擦拭Chlorhexidine swab對於使用呼吸器的重症ICU病患,可以降低細菌性肺炎發生率。刷牙沒有殺菌作用所以效果不彰。其他研究指出心臟手術前後、住院中持續使用Chlorhexidine,可以預防院內感染。

哇!沒想到Chlorhexidine 在治療牙周病之外,也有重大貢獻!眨眼睛


----Chlorhexidine, Tooth Brushing, and Preventing Ventilator-associated Pneumonia in Critically Ill Adults

Cindy L. Munro, et al. American Journal of Critical Care. 2010;18(5):428-37. 

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is associated with increased health care costs, morbidity, and mortality. Chlorhexidine oral swabbing was effective in reducing early VAP in patients in medical, surgical/trauma, and neuroscience ICUs who did not have pneumonia at baseline. Toothbrushing did not reduce the incidence of VAP, and combining toothbrushing and chlorhexidine did not provide additional benefit over use of chlorhexidine alone.

* Ventilator-associated pneumonia was determined by using the Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS). In this study, topical application of chlorhexidine 0.12% solution to the oral cavity significantly reduced the incidence of pneumonia on day 3 among patients who did not have pneumonia at baseline (P = .006).

Conclusions: 0.12%Chlorhexidine, but not toothbrushing, reduced early ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients without pneumonia at baseline.


The toothbrushing protocol did not have a significant effect on VAP. Toothbrushing mechanically reduces the number of organisms without residual activity on the organisms remaining in the mouth; however the intermittent reduction was insufficient to reduce the risk for pneumonia.

Chlorhexidine is a broadspectrum antibacterial agent that has been used extensively in healthy populations as an oral rinse to control dental plaque and to prevent and treat gingivitis. Clorhexidine has bactericidal activity ; microbial resistance to chlorhexidine has not been demonstrated, and the drug has minimal side effects.

The most recent (2004) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations for prevention of nosocomial bacterial pneumonia in patients receiving mechanical ventilation specifically address the importance of oral microbial flora in the development of VAP. Recommendations for patients having elective cardiac surgery include the use of chlorhexidine during the perioperative period and are based on the results of studies in which patients began using chlorhexidine before hospital admission for elective cardiac surgery and chlorhexidine use was continued throughout the hospital stay.


  1. Tablan OC, Anderson LJ, Besser R, Bridges C, Hajjeh R; CDC; Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. Guidelines for preventing health-care-associated pneumonia, 2003: recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2004;53(RR-3):1–36.
  2. DeRiso AJ, Ladowski JS, Dillon TA, Justice JW, Peterson AC. Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% oral rinse reduces the incidence of total nosocomial respiratory infection and nonprophylactic systemic antibiotic use in patients undergoing heart surgery. Chest. 1996;109:1556–1561.
  3. Houston S, Hougland P, Anderson JJ, LaRocco M, Kennedy V, Gentry LO. Effectiveness of 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse in reducing prevalence of nosocomial pneumonia in patients undergoing heart surgery. Am J Crit Care. 2002;11:567–570.
  4. Segers P, Speekenbrink RG, Ubbink DT, van Ogtrop ML, de Mol BA. Prevention of nosocomial infection in cardiac surgery by decontamination of the nasopharynx and oropharynx with chlorhexidine gluconate: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2006;296:2460–2466.



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終究是getting older and older!!破碎的心


話說週一(Feb/01) 承蒙之前研究生的好意











Luke 說診所週一有一半的感冒病患也是上吐下瀉

看來我打了新流感、加上H1N1疫苗(還是法國的) 根本無效!!疑惑

後來要打點滴,血管居然因身體嚴重脫水而collapse (好慘!!)











Part II 後記(Feb-06-2010)


週五(Feb-05)下午牙五的崇歷& Eddie



Oh, finally my Christmas cards 出現了!








新年如意! 五下一切順利~~電燈泡




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---喝綠茶有助於降低老人憂鬱症危險 微笑

* Green Tea Drinking in Elderly Linked to Lower Risk for Depression

   喝綠茶有助於降低老人憂鬱症,不過根據本實驗要喝大量 (>4杯)才有效!吐舌頭

 過去的期刊文章不曾證實, 喝綠茶有助於老人心智健康;

 但曾證實高咖啡因消耗量 (higher caffeine consumption) ,將使婦女心理健康(mental health) 變差.

December 29, 2009 — More frequent consumption of green tea is associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms

in the community-dwelling older population, according to the results of a cross-sectional study reported in the December issue of

the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Clinical Implications

  • A previous study failed to demonstrate any effect of green tea consumption on the mental health of men and women. However, higher caffeine consumption was associated with worse mental health among women.
  • In the current study, high levels, but not moderate levels, of green tea consumption were associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms in older adults.

Part II. Green tea consumption is associated with depressive symptoms in the elderly.

 Niu K, Hozawa A, et al.  Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;90:1615-1622.


BACKGROUND: Green tea is reported to have various beneficial effects (eg, anti-stress response and antiinflammatory effects) on human health. Although these functions might be associated with the development and progression of depressive symptoms, no studies have investigated the relation between green tea consumption and depressive symptoms in a community-dwelling population. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the relations between green tea consumption and depressive symptoms in elderly Japanese subjects who widely consumed green tea. DESIGN: We conducted a cross-sectional study in 1058 community-dwelling elderly Japanese individuals aged >or=70 y. Green tea consumption was assessed by using a self-administered questionnaire, and depressive symptoms were evaluated by using the 30-item Geriatric Depression Scale with 2 cutoffs: 11 (mild and severe depressive symptoms) and 14 (severe depressive symptoms). If a participant was consuming antidepressants, he or she was considered to have depressive symptoms. RESULTS: The prevalence of mild and severe and severe depressive symptoms was 34.1% and 20.2%, respectively. After adjustment for confounding factors, the odds ratios (95% CI) for mild and severe depressive symptoms when higher green tea consumption was compared with green tea consumption of <or=1 cup/d were as follows: 2-3 cups green tea/d (0.96; 95% CI: 0.66, 1.42) and >or=4 cups green tea/d (0.56; 95% CI: 0.39, 0.81) (P for trend: 0.001). Similar relations were also observed in the case of severe depressive symptoms. CONCLUSION: A more frequent consumption of green tea was associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms in the community-dwelling older population.

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福虎生風 虎虎生"豐" 來進寶 錢
祝福大家 A happy new year of 2010!!紅玫瑰

**新年新希望 : less patients, more reading~~

    有空可閱讀閒書 ~~綁蝴蝶結的禮物





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Part I ---

以低劑量阿斯匹靈預防心臟病有爭議  疑惑

Mounting debate over aspirin use in primary prevention should prompt new talks with patients

雖然2009-03 美國 USPSTF (US Preventive Services Task Force ) 修正服用阿斯匹靈預防心臟病的(年齡)建議,

-- 男性 45 to 79 歲 (預防心肌梗塞) , 女性  55 to 79歲 ( 預防中風stroke) 破碎的心

但在歲末, 由於有新的研究結果,

許多專家學者表示以低劑量阿斯匹靈預防心臟病有爭議; 挑眉質疑


尤其無症狀的動脈硬化, 第二型(成人)糖尿病, 及 peripheral artery disease反對服用阿斯匹靈!

Dr. Colin Baigent 便認為降血壓藥物(例如statin)更安全,而戒煙一樣能降低心肌梗塞及中風~~ 電燈泡


Oxford, UK - December 9, 2009

Physicians and consumers looking for drug-company information on aspirin need look no further than the Bayer website www.wonderdrug.com: an immodest homepage for a drug that, at least in the primary-prevention arena, has weathered a less-than-wonderful year. The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) says it stands by its seemingly broad recommendations for aspirin to prevent a first MI in men and stroke in women. But some experts, including regulatory groups abroad, worry that key messages on aspirin's potential harms are just not getting through to physicians and their mostly healthy patients who, for years, have taken an aspirin a day to keep heart attack at bay.


Things looked rosier early this year. In March 2009, the USPSTF issued an update to its 2002 recommendations for aspirin in primary prevention. These stipulated that aspirin was likely of benefit for preventing MI in men age 45 to 79 and preventing stroke in women 55 to 79, when the benefits outweigh the gastrointestinal risks on an individual-patient basis.

But over the ensuing months, a steady stream of studies have warned against aspirin use in some of the key primary-prevention populations, including patients with asymptomatic atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, and peripheral artery disease. Most striking of all was the May 2009 meta-analysis, published in the Lancet, from the Oxford Antithrombotic Treatment Trialists (ATT)—the same group that wrote the original 2002 aspirin/primary-prevention meta-analysis, published in the BMJ, credited by many to have been the paper that cemented the role of low-dose aspirin in primary prevention in the first place. The Lancet paper found that while aspirin used for primary prevention may reduce the risk of nonfatal ischemic events, these benefits are offset by higher bleeding, leaving no net effect on vascular mortality.

There is "overwhelming evidence" that safer drugs, such as statins and blood-pressure-lowering drugs, as well as smoking cessation, reduce the risk of MI and stroke. "So the question is not whether to give aspirin for primary prevention, but whether to add aspirin to safer forms of primary prevention, and that's a very important distinction." --ATT investigator Dr Colin Baigent (Oxford University, UK)


Part II---

Recommendation Statement from USPSTF: Aspirin for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease.  2009

Summary of Recommendations

  • The USPSTF recommends the use of aspirin for men age 45 to 79 years when the potential benefit due to a reduction in myocardial infarctions, and for women age 55 to 79 years when the potential benefit due to a reduction in ischemic strokes that outweighs the potential harm due to an increase in gastrointestinal hemorrhage..
  • The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of aspirin for cardiovascular disease prevention in men and women 80 years or older.
  • The USPSTF recommends against the use of aspirin for stroke prevention in women younger than 55 years and for myocardial infarction prevention in men younger than 45 years.

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~~USPSTF Issues New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines 乳癌篩檢新指引

November 17, 2009 — The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has issued new breast cancer screening guidelines, which are published in the November 17 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The new USPSTF recommendations are in opposition to other existing breast cancer screening guidelines from organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the American College of Radiology, which have both criticized the new document. Several agencies and organizations, such as the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, have said they will continue to follow the American Cancer Society guidelines. However, according to an article in the New York Times, advocacy groups like the National Breast Cancer Coalition, Breast Cancer Action, and the National Women’s Health Network "welcomed the new guidelines."

Clinical Context

The 10-year breast cancer risk is 1 in 69 for age 40 years, 1 in 42 for age 50 years, and 1 in 29 for age 60 years, according to the SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2006, by Horner and colleagues (11 from USPSTF statement).

In the September 3, 2002, issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine (6 from USPSTF statement), the USPSTF recommendations for breast cancer screening included screening mammography every 1 to 2 years for all women older than 40 years and cited insufficient evidence regarding BSE (breast self-examination) and CBE (clinical breast examination).

The USPSTF conducted a systematic review of benefits and harms of screening and a decision analysis using population modeling techniques to compare the projected health outcomes and resource needs of mammography screening for various age groups and annual vs biennial intervals.

Because of insufficient evidence to determine the benefits and harms of screening mammography in women older than 75 years, the updated guidelines recommend stopping screening at age 74 years.

Because the USPSTF found adequate evidence that teaching self-examination is not associated with a decrease in breast cancer mortality rates, the task force recommends against teaching breast self-examination (BSE).

Based on this information, the current updated recommendation statement from the USPSTF applies to women 40 years or older who are not at increased risk for breast cancer and addresses the efficacy of 5 screening methods for reducing breast cancer mortality rates: film mammography, CBE, BSE, digital mammography, and MRI.

Clinical Implications

  • In women aged at least 40 years without increased risk for breast cancer, the USPSTF recommends screening mammography every 2 years for women aged 50 to 74 years and no routine screening before age 50 years and cites insufficient evidence to make recommendations for age 75 years and older.
  • The USPSTF finds insufficient evidence to assess the benefits and harms of CBE beyond screening mammography in women 40 years or older and recommends against teaching BSE.


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台大校慶校長致詞 學生睡翻 2009-11-15



說都是期中考的錯,現場也的確有人繼續猛K書,但還有吃早餐、看小說、看大頭貼手冊、甚至打電動,就不應該了吧?難怪,台大打算要開對學生禮儀課,教他們禮貌呢!(民視新聞 翁郁容、姚仁祥 台北報導)

Part II. 大學生都嘛這樣?!

Dr. Lee說 :  15日是星期日,週日早上本是大學生的睡覺時間; 不是剛考完期中考太累! 考完和還沒考完期中考的人,週六晚都在熬夜打電動,才會太累睡著。吐舌頭 還沒考完的人,考試前一天晚上才會熬夜讀書的啦 ~~ 記者先生! 轉動眼珠

校長, 明年校慶大會不要選星期日吧!! 挑眉質疑

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評-大學都嘛這樣?   --- 2009-11-10 中國時報

<2009-11-09台大醫學生不敬業 洪蘭批:尸位素餐>

大教授出手,果然不一樣!中央大學教授洪蘭參與年度醫學院評鑑後,忍不住在雜誌發表專文,痛斥「台灣最拔尖的大學生」,上課姍姍來遲、進了教室啃雞腿、開著筆電看連續劇、甚至趴在桌上睡覺,她用四個字形容這群天之驕子:尸位素餐。 咬牙切齒





  PS. <Dr. Lee 說> 牙94 上課如果有雞腿,  別忘了分一隻~~ ( 純屬玩笑啦~~) 開懷大笑

回歸正題, 認真上課是態度問題, 不是與臨床應用有關/ 無關的問題! 其實從國中階段就該檢討, 聯考(基測 / 學測)不考的科目, 上課亦是如此吧~~ 是非曲直不復久矣! 洪蘭教授真是大驚小怪了~~

 教育問題太複雜, 最重要的該是如何讓學生能"自動學習" 吧---- 不是為考試而讀書, 不是為點名去上課, 對課程沒有"大小眼"(主科/ 副科之分), 沒有"營養學分"之別( 選修自己真正喜愛的課), etc.   Dr. Lee 仍是無可救藥的理想主義者~~戴太陽眼鏡

(2) 台大醫學生不敬業 洪蘭批:尸位素餐

2009-11-09 新聞速報 【中廣新聞/陳映竹】






(3)醫學生不認真 臨床糾紛多

2009/11/10 14:39







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~~ 母親懷孕時抽煙增加青少年期精神疾病危險性~~

Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy Linked to Increased Risk for Psychotic Symptoms in Adolescents.

Br J Psychiatry. 2009;195:294–300.

October 16, 2009 — The maternal use of tobacco while pregnant is associated with an increased risk for psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions in their children, with evidence of a dose-response effect, according to results from a large cohort study published in the October issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry. 除了大家已知的胎兒/ 新生兒體重較輕,在英國的一項大規模世代研究指出,母親懷孕時抽煙會增加青少年期精神疾病危險性:如幻覺、妄想,並和(抽煙)劑量成正比。這研究顯示胎兒發育早期,可能已產生無臨床症狀的精神病經驗(如幻覺、妄想)母親懷孕時抽煙,不可不慎~~驚訝


"These findings indicate that the risk factors for development of non-clinical psychotic experiences may operate during early development," write Stanley Zammit, PhD, clinical senior lecturer in psychiatric epidemiology in the Department of Psychological Medicine at Cardiff University in Wales and the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, and colleagues.

 Because tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis all cross the placenta  and the fetal blood-brain barrier, maternal substance use during pregnancy may threaten fetal health.因為煙、酒、大麻均穿透胎盤及胎兒血腦屏障,母親懷孕時使用這些物質將危害胎兒健康。

Neurologic toxicity  to the fetus may occur even if there are only minimal or no apparent effects on the mother, and most of these adverse effects may not be detectable at birth. Maternal tobacco use during pregnancy has been linked to adverse perinatal outcomes, including lowered cognitive ability and increased incidence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder in childhood and adolescence. 煙、酒對胎兒的神經毒性剛出生時可能無法查覺。母親懷孕時抽煙可能造成孩童認知能力降低、注意力缺乏或過動發生率增加,以及兒童、青少年期行為障礙。(大麻在此研究顯示影響不大。)

  • In the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children cohort, frequency of maternal tobacco use during pregnancy was linked to a greater risk for suspected or definite psychotic symptoms occurring in the offspring at age 12 years, suggesting a dose-response effect. This association was not mediated by childhood IQ or by markers of prenatal or perinatal adversity such as birth weight or Apgar scores.

The association of maternal alcohol use with psychotic symptoms was seen almost exclusively in the offspring of women drinking more than 21 units weekly. Maternal use of cannabis was not associated with any detectable increased risk for psychotic symptoms in the offspring, but statistical power was limited.

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偶像導演拍「臉」 影迷粉絲變「臉」

罕見嚴重戽斗男 成功變「臉」大改造 將赴美一圓導演夢







Be Happy Everyday~~

新聞聯絡人:林基安0922-333-168      張中翊0980-878-775

Office:(04)2473-8229 #210    Fax:(04)2473-1781
Website: www.wayne.com.tw

 Part II.









嚴重戽斗男成功變臉 將赴美一圓導演夢



 戽斗不見了! 男變臉成功



  戽斗男變臉成功 將赴美圓導演夢


 嘴巴呼吸多年 27歲戽斗男開刀變臉成功



 怕出名後不上鏡頭!花25萬元矯正開刀 戽斗男變帥哥




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2009不能錯過的生命故事~寧可缺手,但無缺憾 ~~













【超越障礙 生命燦爛】施密特生命分享會

·  時間:10/17(六)14:00~17:00

·  入場時間: 13:00開放入場,請即早入場(免費、不需索票自由入場)

·  地點:國立台灣師範大學校本部--體育館4樓室內球場 / 免費入場




**台中場 : 10/18 (日)15:00~18:00 東海大學中正堂

活動洽詢:(0227017271分機22 / 公關組長林筱婷




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謝謝牙93, 牙94
可愛的8/9月interns; 助理;
僅以Robert Frost 的詩作(摘錄)回應
還是要說"謝謝啦~~" 害羞

The Road Not Taken

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence;
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I―
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.






<展開了截然不同的人生> 棕櫚樹小島




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16歲的最後心願》Before I die --- by Jenny Downham




泰莎啟示錄 生命的最後清單













讀完泰莎最後的十個願望後,許多人也許不解為何她的願望除了部分是世俗認為的「好願望」外,為何她也想實踐「不好」且「混亂」的願望呢?尤其是她想體驗邂逅的性愛、偷竊犯罪、用信用卡花錢、無照駕駛等行為。 但當我們再次還原泰莎不過是個「十六歲的少女」時,就不難理解為何她要體驗性且使些小壞了,想來是她無法接受自己的生命竟「還沒開始」就死去,「不曾有過」的缺憾讓她很想去嘗試,「至少有過」才能了無遺憾,這可說是支持泰莎去完成生命的底層價值……



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你們要將一切的憂慮卸給神, 因為祂顧念你們 彩虹 

尤其 Ann 八月2-4日才去台東參加醫療隊

看到那些災情 她一直掉眼淚傷心


神顧念、安慰臺灣同胞,願神 與你我同在~~


馬太福音 Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

 Each day has enough trouble of its own.紅心


彼得前書 1 Peter 5:7
你們要將一切的憂慮卸給神, 因為祂顧念你們.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.紅玫瑰


詩篇 Psalms 23:4
我雖然行過死陰的幽谷, 也不怕遭害. 因為你與我同在. 你的杖, 你的竿, 都安慰我.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:

 for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 向右擁抱 向左擁抱

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   太陽 A good orthodontist with knowledge of proper biomechanics (Moment ratios, load-deflection rates, materials, and so on)

    and diagnostic skills can obtain great results with most brackets.太陽 


--- Part I. 自鎖式矯正牙套比較不痛、又比較快?

這星期又有媽媽問Dr. Lee說:XX矯正牙套是否比較不痛、又比較快? 如果對孩子比較好,貴一點也沒關係!

我們臨床上也有使用自鎖式(self-ligating) 矯正牙套,目前主要用於安格氏第三類不正咬合(Angle Class III, 俗稱戽斗),正顎手術患者。 臺灣市售自鎖式矯正牙套主要有(3M) Smart Clip, (Ormco) Demon, (GAC) In-ovation “R”, Speed 等等。自鎖式矯正牙套 1980年代開始上市,正如 Dr. Pandis 而言,令人極震驚意外的是,並未有獨立的臨床試驗或研究報告卻上市多年。It is strikingly surprising that self-ligating brackets have been advocated and marketed long before the publication of any clinical trials investigating their efficiency by independent sources.

最近的研究報告其實都顯示:自鎖式矯正牙套不會比較不痛、治療時間也沒有比較快唯一可以確定的是:自鎖式矯正牙套價錢比較貴,患者必需額外多付15000~~20000 元。以及Ormco行銷非常成功!


平心而論,如Dr. Burrow 所言,訓練良好的矯正醫師,具備豐富生物力學、材料學知識,以及臨床病例診斷分析能力,使用大多數市售牙套,應該都能達成極佳的治療結果。A good orthodontist with knowledge of proper biomechanics (Moment ratios, load-deflection rates, materials, and so on) and diagnostic skills can obtain great results with most brackets. 而讓患者(要求)左右矯正醫師用何種牙套,或是矯正診所醫師、助理小姐大力鼓吹患者使用某種牙套,大家冷靜思考一下,應該明白這是多麼荒謬的醫療行為!你曾聽說患者要求外科醫師,開刀指定使用某種廠牌的器械或材料嗎?正如開車技術好不好跟開的是歐洲車、日本車無關;牙套/ 矯正線都只是工具,矯正醫師臨床治療能力才是最重要的吧?

最後,臨床上偶爾可見某些牙套 (患者)治療時間比較快,但治療時間主要的決定因素,應該是患者生物性的差異 (例如細胞反應、病例難易度等), 而非牙套廠牌。There might be some brackets would move faster, but it appears that the limiting factor is biology (independent of bracket type)!

我並不反對用自鎖式矯正牙套, 但不希望患者由於網路資訊, 誤認為治療比較不痛、又比較快而使用.



Part II.

引用Samuel Jack Burrow 的文章敘述:(Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;136:5-6)

It is strikingly surprising that self-ligating brackets have been advocated and marketed long before the publication of any clinical trials investigating their efficiency by independent sources.    

Pandis et al reported that “our findings agree with previous trials that found no difference in the crowding alleviation stage at predetermined times with conventional and self-ligating Smart Clip brackets (3M, Unitek, Monrovia, Calif) or conventional and self-ligating Damon 2 brackets.”

The overall conclusion of Pandis et al was that “no difference in the time required to correct mandibular crowding with Damon 2 and conventional brackets was observed.”

Torres et al reported “no difference in treatment duration between Damon 2 and Synergy brackets (Rocky Mountain Orthodontics, Denver, Colo) with a maxillary, split-mouth setup.”

The evidence continues to mount. In recent issue of the AJO-DO (May 2009), Fleming et al compared the efficiency of mandibular arch alignment in 3 dimensions with a self-ligating bracket, Smart Clip, and a conventional bracket, Victory series. The conclusion of this prospective, randomized clinical trial was that “alignment in the mandibular arch in nonextraction patients is independent of bracket type.”

A good orthodontist with knowledge of proper biomechanics (Moment ratios, load-deflection rates, materials, and so on) and diagnostic skills can obtain great results with most brackets. There might be some brackets would move faster, but it appears that the limiting factor is biology.

The evidence still stands that, “The limited clinical trial data now available do not support the contention that treatment time is reduced (presumably because of lower friction) with self-ligating brackets.”



1. Burrow SJ. Friction and resistance to sliding in orthodontics: a critical review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;135:442-7.

2. Pandis N, Polychronopoulou A, Eliades T. Self-ligating vs conventional brackets in the treatment of mandibular crowding: a prospective clinical trial of treatment duration and dental effects. Am JOrthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;132:208-15.

3. Miles PG. Smartclip versus conventional twin brackets for initial alignment: is there a difference. Aust Orthod J 2005;21:123-7.

4. Miles PG, Weyant RJ, Rustveld L. A clinical trial of Damon 2 vs. conventional twin brackets during initial alignment. Angle Orthod 2006;76:480-5.

5. Torres CB, Cabrilla MCP, Quintanilla DS. In: Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of dental alignment between low friction conventional ligated and self-closing brackets on the maxillary arch in 18 patients. London: European Orthodontic Society; 2005; p. 294; Proceedings of the European Orthodontic Society; 2005; Amsterdam.

6. Fleming PS, DiBiase AT, Sarri G, Lee RT. Efficiency of mandibular arch alignment with 2 preadjusted edgewise appliances. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;135:597-602.

--- Part III  2011年二月的研究報告

  本篇研究為隨機臨床試驗(randomized clinical trial), 比較兩組拔牙矯正病例 (一組使用Damon3 bracket 另一組用傳統牙套), 治療結果顯示使用Damon3 bracket 並未縮短治療時間,或減少看診次數; 矯正治療後的咬合狀態也沒有優於使用傳統牙套者!!

**Duration of treatment and occlusal outcome using Damon3 self-ligated and conventional orthodontic bracket systems in extraction patients: A prospective randomized clinical trial

Andrew T. DiBiase, Inas H. Nasr, Paul Scott, Martyn T. Cobourne.  American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics Volume 139, Issue 2 , Pages e111-e116, February 2011

Introduction  This was a prospective randomized clinical trial comparing the effect of bracket type on the duration of orthodontic treatment and the occlusal outcome as measured by the peer assessment rating (PAR).

Methods A multi-center randomized clinical trial was carried out in 2 orthodontic clinics. Sixty-two subjects (32 male, 30 female; mean age, 16.27 years) with a mean pretreatment PAR score of 39.40, mandibular irregularity from 5 to 12 mm, and prescribed extractions including mandibular first premolars were randomly allocated to treatment with either the Damon3 self-ligated or the Synthesis conventional ligated preadjusted bracket systems (both, Ormco, Glendora, Calif). An identical archwire sequence was used in both groups excluding the finishing archwires: 0.014-in, 0.014 × 0.025-in, and 0.018 × 0.025-in copper-nickel-titanium aligning archwires, followed by 0.019 × 0.025-in stainless steel working archwires. Data collected at the start of treatment and after appliance removal included dental study casts, total duration of treatment, number of visits, number of emergency visits and breakages during treatment, and number of failed appointments.

Results  Sixty-two patients were recruited at the start of treatment, and the records of 48 patients were analyzed after appliance removal. Accounting for pretreatment and in-treatment covariates, bracket type had no effect on overall treatment duration, number of visits, or overall percentage of reduction in PAR scores. Time spent in space closure had an effect on treatment duration, and the pretreatment PAR score influenced only the reduction in PAR as a result of treatment.

Conclusions  Use of the Damon3 bracket does not reduce overall treatment time or total number of visits, or result in a better occlusal outcome when compared with conventional ligated brackets in the treatment of extraction patients with crowding.

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 2009-07-31.  本週大事是FDA召開媒體記者會,聲明銀粉對人體無害。 FDA 銀粉歸於第二類器材,意即具有中度危害。(有可能吸入汞蒸氣)美國牙醫學會所(ADA) 則聲明 , 由患者及牙醫師決定是否使用銀粉填補。 

1. FDA: Mercury Fillings Not Harmful 銀粉填補對人體無害

Kathleen Doheny. WebMD Journalist.

FDA Media Advisory, July 28, 2009. — The mercury used in dental amalgam fillings is not at a level high enough to cause harm in patients, according to the FDA, which today issued its final regulation on the controversial tooth filling material.

However, the dental amalgams are classified as Class II devices, deemed a moderate risk, instead of the lower risk Class I devices. At high levels, mercury can cause adverse health effects to the brain and kidneys.

FDA's Final Rule on Amalgams

At a media advisory to announce the final rule, the FDA's Susan Runner, DDS, said, ''The best available scientific evidence supports the conclusion that patients with dental amalgam fillings are not at risk for mercury-associated adverse health effects.

The special controls are spelled out in a guidance document that includes recommendations on labeling and other parameters. Among the labeling recommendations:

  • A warning against the use of the filling material in those with a known mercury allergy
  • A warning to dentists and other dental professionals to use adequate ventilation when handling the dental amalgam
  • An informed decision : statement talking about the risk and benefit of the dental amalgams, including the risks of inhaled mercury vapor.

FDA Ruling: Reactions

In a statement issued July 28, 2009, the American Dental Association (ADA) said: "The ADA agrees with the U.S. FDA's decision not to place any restriction on the use of dental amalgam, a commonly used cavity-filling material." And according to the ADA, leaving the decision up to patients and their dentists is the correct approach.

As a practical matter, the new ruling will make little difference to many dentists. "Amalgam filling use is in decline, other options, such as white composite or porcelain filling materials, look better and are preferred by many patients”, one dentist says.

Ideally, says Charles Brown, national counsel for Consumers for Dental Choice, the agency should have warned against the filling use for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.   As a practical matter, the new ruling will make little difference to many dentists. "Amalgam filling use is in decline, other options, such as white composite or porcelain filling materials, look better and are preferred by many patients”, one dentist says.



Part 2. Best Wa ys to Deal With No-Shows 如何因應患者爽約 (摘錄)

Elizabeth Woodcock, MBA. 07/14/2009

1. Let the Patient Suggest the Appointment Time 讓患者挑選約診時間

According to a recent University of Missouri survey that looked at 11,000 scheduled patient visits, patients who suggested the most convenient time for an appointment were more likely to show up than when the scheduler suggested the appointment time.

2. Call to Confirm Upcoming Appointments 電話提醒/確認約診時間

Place reminder calls or send e-mails 2 days in advance of the appointment. For new patient visits, procedures, and other lengthy appointments, ask the patient to call back to confirm can be very helpful.

3. Establish a Priority List of Patients Who Will Come in if a Last-Minute Opening Occurs 建立等待優先名單(以取代約診未到者)

Manage the list on a computer instead of paper. When patients call to cancel, having a ready list of other patients willing to come earlier than scheduled, can save the day.

4. Track Offenders 追蹤約診未到者

Past actions can often predict future behavior, so track patients' missed appointments in your scheduling system. Dismiss frequent offenders from your practice after a predetermined number of no-shows (for example, 3). Give chronic offenders appointments on a 'Dr. No-show' template, or tell chronic no-show patients that they will be seen on a walk-in basis only.

5. Overbook 超額約診

Consider over-scheduling some appointment slots. Use yield management techniques, which are popular in the airline industry, and known as ' strategic overbooking.' I

6. Charge Patients Who Don't Call to call off 罰款未取消約診者 (台灣行不通吧?)

7. Let Patients Know How Much You Appreciate Their Calling in Advance to Cancel告知患者:感謝他們提前取消約診

8. Look Within for the Cause 檢視診所內部的問題

Some estimates indicate that physician practices may average from 5% to 10% no-shows. Is your practice doing something to cause more no-shows?

Don't forget the basics -- reducing missed appointments improves your practice's bottom line, and takes the heat off you. 眨眼睛


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