
~~ 母親懷孕時抽煙增加青少年期精神疾病危險性~~

Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy Linked to Increased Risk for Psychotic Symptoms in Adolescents.

Br J Psychiatry. 2009;195:294–300.

October 16, 2009 — The maternal use of tobacco while pregnant is associated with an increased risk for psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions in their children, with evidence of a dose-response effect, according to results from a large cohort study published in the October issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry. 除了大家已知的胎兒/ 新生兒體重較輕,在英國的一項大規模世代研究指出,母親懷孕時抽煙會增加青少年期精神疾病危險性:如幻覺、妄想,並和(抽煙)劑量成正比。這研究顯示胎兒發育早期,可能已產生無臨床症狀的精神病經驗(如幻覺、妄想)母親懷孕時抽煙,不可不慎~~驚訝


"These findings indicate that the risk factors for development of non-clinical psychotic experiences may operate during early development," write Stanley Zammit, PhD, clinical senior lecturer in psychiatric epidemiology in the Department of Psychological Medicine at Cardiff University in Wales and the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, and colleagues.

 Because tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis all cross the placenta  and the fetal blood-brain barrier, maternal substance use during pregnancy may threaten fetal health.因為煙、酒、大麻均穿透胎盤及胎兒血腦屏障,母親懷孕時使用這些物質將危害胎兒健康。

Neurologic toxicity  to the fetus may occur even if there are only minimal or no apparent effects on the mother, and most of these adverse effects may not be detectable at birth. Maternal tobacco use during pregnancy has been linked to adverse perinatal outcomes, including lowered cognitive ability and increased incidence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder in childhood and adolescence. 煙、酒對胎兒的神經毒性剛出生時可能無法查覺。母親懷孕時抽煙可能造成孩童認知能力降低、注意力缺乏或過動發生率增加,以及兒童、青少年期行為障礙。(大麻在此研究顯示影響不大。)

  • In the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children cohort, frequency of maternal tobacco use during pregnancy was linked to a greater risk for suspected or definite psychotic symptoms occurring in the offspring at age 12 years, suggesting a dose-response effect. This association was not mediated by childhood IQ or by markers of prenatal or perinatal adversity such as birth weight or Apgar scores.

The association of maternal alcohol use with psychotic symptoms was seen almost exclusively in the offspring of women drinking more than 21 units weekly. Maternal use of cannabis was not associated with any detectable increased risk for psychotic symptoms in the offspring, but statistical power was limited.

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    Dr. Lee李醫師

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