
Part 1.減糖飲料一樣會導致糖尿病

      許多人以為喝減糖(人工甘味)飲料[ diet coke, etc] 比含糖飲料健康, 廣告促銷抱持此論點, 甚至”diet”的字眼似乎隱喻可以減肥.

但研究顯示, 減糖(人工甘味)飲料喝太多, 一樣會引起type 2 (成人型)糖尿病. 所以朋友啊, 還是少喝飲料吧!

Part 2.  Diet Sodas, as Well as Regular Ones, Raise Diabetes Risk

Miriam E. Tucker Feb 14, 2013

A new study from France suggests that women who drink large amounts of diet soda are at increased risk for type 2 diabetes. The findings also support the previously documented association between high intake of regular sugar-sweetened beverages and the condition, report Guy Fagherazzi, from the Center for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health, Villejuif, France, and colleagues in a study published online January 30 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

And given that diet sodas are "considered — and marketed — as healthier than sugar-sweetened beverages," the findings require further investigation, they say. In the meantime, the authors advise that "a precautionary principle could be applied to the promotion of [artificially sweetened beverages]."

Highest Intake of Diet Soda More Than Doubles Diabetes Risk

The data come from a large prospective cohort study of 66,118 women in France investigating links between diet and cancer. There were 1369 new cases of type 2 diabetes diagnosed during the follow-up period from 1993 to 2007.Based on self-reported dietary consumption, the average intake of regular sodas was 328 mL/week, while for diet sodas it was higher, at 568 mL/week.

The risk for type 2 diabetes was elevated among the women in the highest quartiles for both sugar-sweetened beverages (>359 mL/week) and artificially sweetened beverages (>603 mL/week) compared with women who did not consume those beverages, with hazard ratios of 1.34 and 2.21, respectively, after multivariate adjustment for a variety of covariates (other than body mass index [BMI]).

Strong positive trends in type 2 diabetes risk were observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of beverage (P = .0088 and P < .0001, respectively). Adjustment for BMI did modify the results somewhat, although the associations remained significant for both sugar-sweetened beverages and artificially sweetened beverages.

The authors also conducted sensitivity analyses to test the hypothesis that people who are at risk for type 2 diabetes by virtue of obesity may preferentially drink artificially sweetened beverages, but the results suggest that such a "reverse causation" mechanism is "unlikely," they note.

"Our results — in accordance with a recent joint scientific statement of the AHA and ADA — strongly suggest the need to conduct randomized trials that evaluate metabolic consequences of [artificially sweetened beverage] components, such as artificial sweeteners, to prove a causal link between [artificially sweetened beverage] consumption and type 2 diabetes," the study authors conclude.

The authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Am J Clin Nutr . Published online January 30, 2013. Abstract



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