2005年績優導師得獎感言  (to the class of 90)        





12日校慶典禮,牙六interns來了好幾位,說來捧場+照相。校長頒完績優導師,牙六intern衝上台給我一大束花,住院醫師也帶一花束來,跑太慢(Ha!), 等校長合照完, 才把花遞給我。捧著兩束花站在台上,真的既感動,又頗覺不好意思。牙六和住院醫師的兩束花,令人驚喜;沒想到典禮完,他們竟然拿出兩袋禮物,說是五送的,牙五因為早上在補課不能來。Oh, What a touching moment it is我差點要哭了,不過真的很開心!


Last year I was glad to receive this award, I believed it's because I tried very hard to work with class of 88. However, I was too busy in my study of PhD courses last year. I didn’t spend as much time with class of 89 as before. Actually I felt a little surprised to get this award again. But I do appreciate all the dental students that gave me this credit.

典禮完回家的路上,覺得自己實在不配得這麼多東西!周遭的學生/朋友, all treating me so nice!! I will try my best with class of 90 this year, too.


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