Dec/14-16/2007 20th TAO & 6th AIOC 台灣齒顎矯正學會年會暨亞太矯正植體大會(在臺中市南山訓練中心)
Dec/15-16/ 2007年身心障礙者口腔醫療照護國際研討會(在臺北圓山飯店10F國際廳)
Part I 兩場英語演講終於結束了~~
Dec-16 剛結束兩場演講(Sat & Sunday各一)
我恰巧受邀分別於Dec-15 (Sat) 下午在臺北圓山飯店
Dec-16 (Sun)下午在在臺中演講(矯正)
上述兩者均屬國際性會議conference 生平第一次speech in English!! 事先準備時壓力太大 因此上週情緒不太好 Anyway, it's over~~
加上門診忙得不可開交 只有犧牲睡眠趕工power point
Part II 我在Dec-16-2007 Sunday下午矯正學會年會的英語演講摘要--
**Pre-prosthetic orthodontic preparation with absolute anchorage for Orthod-Prothod interdiciplinary treatments
The main reason for adult seeking prosthetic treatment is replacing missing teeth. However,
the neighborhood teeth around extraction sites would migrate or tilt when patients left the problems too long without prosthesis.
The situation may become more complicated for prosthetic works when antagonist tooth elongation presented.
Occlusal reduction is one of the treatment options. But this would harm the healthy tooth structure.
For excessive elongated tooth, a crown lengthening is necessary and endodontic therapy may be also required.
To solve the above problems, intrusion with orthodontic appliance for elongated teeth is the treatment of choice.
For orthod-prothod interinciplinary treatment, in cases with more than one tooth elongated,
absolute anchorage (mini-plates or MIA) along with fixed appliance is more efficient to accomplish such task,
i.e. molar intrusion, as shown in this presentation.
Dr. Tzu-hsin Lee 李慈心 DDS, MSD
Assistant professor and clinical instructor
Department of Orthodontics
College of Oral Medicine
Chung-Shan Medical University and affiliated hospital
PS Dec-16 Sun HallB
1:30pm-2:00pm Motohiko Sato
2:00pm-2:30pm Tzu-hsin Lee 李慈心
2:30pm-3:00pm Hoi-Shing Luk陸開盛
Part III 關於演講的一些感想
卻因為外人(同事/學生) 的緣故
I should just be myself and more important, get my life back!