*** March 30, 2011/ news from Orthodontic department of Saint Louis University
Congratulations to LEJ!
The Lysle E. Johnston, Jr. Endowed Professorship In Orthodontics
Part I Dr. Johnston 二三 事
Saint Louis University 是我的母校, 我曾受教於 Dr. Lysle Johnston, Jr. (國內另兩位是滕起民學長, 及曾明貴學弟. 比起我赫赫有名多啦~~)
Dr. Johnston 不走臨床主要做研究. 在SLU 大家稱他為 Dr. J, 他非常嚴厲,大家都滿怕他的.
Jimmy (Dr. 滕起民)曾談及以前的學生, 聖誕節送過一隻塑膠雞(脖子很長,奄奄一息那種)給Dr. J, 表示日子過得非常悲慘 (miserable)!! 但Dr. J 是絕對不會"心軟"的~~
每年七月(碩一)新生"震撼教育"始於Dr. J 的Cephalometrics (側顱學及分析). 在台灣, 大家對美式教育的印象是十足自由的(鬆散的); 但Dr. J完全顛覆你既定的想法~~
猶記得我的側顱 x-光片描圖紙(tracing paper) 被Dr. J 用紅筆改得滿江紅!! 那種挫折感實在很重,遑論其他科目了~~
因此 Jimmy 說, 第一年有人唸書唸到想自殺呢!!
到了碩二下參加 AAO 矯正年會, 已畢業學長们都會說" you survived"!! 說得真貼切啊~~
Part II. The Lysle E. Johnston, Jr. Endowed Professorship In Orthodontics
The establishment of a professorship is a process that leads to a significant outcome. It begins with the identification of a person of unusual dedication and value to the University who should be acknowledged and honored for his contributions and accomplishments. In addition, an endowed professorship has a purpose; it addresses a continuing need that is best supported through the establishment of an enduring fund.
Beginning in 2004, alumni and friends of the Orthodontic Program at Saint Louis University were asked to contribute to a campaign to establish The Lysle E. Johnston, Jr. Endowed Professorship in Orthodontics in recognition of Lysle's many years of valued contributions to the Orthodontic Program at Saint Louis University and the specialty of orthodontics.
It gives us great pleasure to announce that The Lysle E. Johnston, Jr. Endowed Professorship in Orthodontics is now established. This means that the corpus of the endowment has reached (and now exceeds) one-half million dollars. As a result, the interest produced by the endowment can now be used to support its identified purpose: the recruitment, development, and retention of outstanding faculty in support of the Orthodontic Program. The corpus of the fund will never be spent and it is anticipated it will become even larger over time through additional gifts. It is our hope that the corpus will continue to grow to a level such that this professorship will eventually evolve into an endowed chair.
Part III ~~~ Dr. Lysle Johnston, Jr. 簡介
Dr. Lysle Johnston, Jr. is the Robert W. Browne Professor of Dentistry and previous Chair of our Department at the University of Michigan. He graduated from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in 1961 and from Michigan's Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies (Orthodontics) in 1964. He studied anatomy at the Queen's University of Belfast (1961-2) and received a Ph.D. in Anatomy from Case Western Reserve University in 1970. Before coming to the University of Michigan, he chaired the orthodontic departments of Case Western Reserve University (1971-6) and Saint Louis University (1976-91). Dr. Johnston retired in 2004, but he continues to teach statistics, cephalometrics, facial growth, occlusal development, and orthodontic history to the residents. During the course of his 30-year academic career, Dr. Johnston has advised approximately 100 master's theses and has contributed to the education of more than 300 orthodontic specialists.
He has lectured widely and is the recipient of numerous of honors, most notably the Albert H. Ketcham award of the American Board of Orthodontics, the 5th International Award of the Italian Society of Orthodontists, and the Dewel Award of the American Association of Orthodontics. He has delivered both the Mershon and Salzmann Lectures of the American Association of Orthodontics, the Angle Memorial Lecture of the E.H. Angle Society of Orthodontists (twice), the Northcroft Lecture of the British Society for the Study of Orthodontics, and the Arthur Thornton Taylor Memorial Lecture of the Australian Society of Orthodontics. A fellow of both the American and International colleges of dentistry and a fellow in dental surgery by election of the Royal College of Surgeons (England), Dr. Johnston serves on the editorial boards of a number of orthodontic journals, including both the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics and the (British) Journal of Orthodontics; was a member of the Oral Biology and Medicine Study Section of the National Institutes of Health; and was a director of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists.
On a personal note, Dr. Johnston is married and has two children, Ann-Christine and Michael. His hobbies include tennis, elderly British sports cars, and old movies.